You are a Phenomenal Woman!
Welcome to the Phenomenal Women Empowerment Alliance
We Empower, Encourage and Motivate Women to Succeed
In All areas of their lives!
Our Deepest Fear
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
~ Marianne Williamson - from "A Return To Love" ~
The Absent Are Safe Here:
"The Absent Are Safe Here." That means that NONE of us will speak unkindly about those not present.
Are the absent safe around you? Or do you take advantage of their absence to say things about them that you wouldn't say in their presence? Do you allow others to speak ill of them in your presence? It is a wonderful thing for your friends and family members to know that they are safe even when they are absent because you will not take advantage of them. And it is wonderful for your co-workers and neighbors and your fellow Christians and those who don't know the Lord to know this much about you-that you will protect them even when they are absent, that you will guard their reputation and will not speak harshly or unkindly about them and that you will endeavor always to give them the benefit of the doubt as much as you can. That certainly means...
No cheap shots
No sharing of gossip
No repeating of rumors
No judging of motives
No sharing of details that should remain private
No trash talk
No insinuations
No angry invectives
No making yourself look good at the expense of others
No maximizing the sins of others
No adding aggravating details to make the absent look worse
No dismissing an unkind remark by saying, "I was only joking."
Are the absent safe around you?
Dr. Ray Pritchard. Author, Speaker, President of Keep Believing Ministries
It is only the weak and the fearful who want to hide their knowledge. The rest of us benefit from sharing what we know. Shared knowledge creates growth. And growth creates opportunity. Our learning compliments our EARNING! Knowledge is POWER! Phenomenal Women are POWERFUL!
We do this by:
Completing each other, Not Competing with each other!
We are Not our Sisters' Keepers * We Are our Sisters!!!
There will be times when the dry winds of
doubt and fear blow discouragement and defeat your way;
causing the burning fire in your belly - self motivation - to flicker
and making it difficult for You to see your way.
We Will Be There For You!
Sharing valuable information You need to know and
positive motivation You need to grow!
Our motto is; "Do You". In order to "Do" for anyone else
you must first ensure that you are healthy in Mind, Body & Spirit.
You start "Doing You" by truly learning to Love Yourself.
You cannot love another until you can Love Yourself! You are told when flying to put your MASK ON FIRST!!! This goes for LIFE as well!! You must be a healthy, breathing, happy, healed, loving yourself person first Beloved!
Loving yourself is believing in yourself.
You are a Valuable Living Person...
Able to Give Love, and Worthy of Receiving Love!
In all the history of the world, there was never anyone else
exactly like You, and in all the time to come, there will never be another.
If You Require Happiness In Your Life, You Will Acquire Happiness!
The Phenomenal Women Empowerment Alliance believes that
YOU have everything YOU need within YOU to experience
successes in your life that YOU may have never dreamed possible before.
Somewhere along the line most women learn to put the needs of others before their own. In many ways this ability is one of our greatest feminine talents; nurturing is a trait that validates us as women and this quality of our nature should surely be treasured and celebrated.
But, why is it that so many of us feel guilty when it comes to nurturing ourselves? We feel selfish. We believe that we're stealing time away from those that need us! YET the truth is, you need to nurture and LOVE yourself before you can successfully NURTURE and LOVE OTHERS!
This may sound self-indulgent, but its not! By taking care of your own needs you are recognizing and affirming that your own emotional, physical and mental health is just as important as that of others.
The truth is that, at least some of the time, you have to put yourself and your own needs first. If you love and care for yourself, you're far better equipped to love and care for those that need you. SO REMEMBER to DO YOU, BOO!!!!!
Remember, the first two letters
for the word GOAL are "GO"
Goal setting is important but more
importantly is goal doing!
Well done is better than well said
because actions speak louder than words.
Do the things you NEED to do now
so you can do the things you WANT to do later!