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Phenomenal Women 2 the10th Power
She Opens Her Mouth In Wisdom, And The Teaching Of Kindness Is On Her Tongue" (Proverbs 31:26 ESV)!!




Celebrating Twenty Five Years of




Our MISSION is to esteem, edify and empower YOU to assume greater ownership as you achieve maximum potential in every area of your life!  We will achieve this TOGETHER!

Our VISION is to establish a global alliance of successful women who operate in a spirit of perfect HARMONY, for the definite purpose of personal achievement, physical and emotionall wellness, spiritual awareness, and financial independence, while making a positive difference in the lives of others as well! ONENESS! We are OUR SISTER’S KEEPER! 


Prayer Closet

                       BLACK, WHITE, LATINA GIRL MAGIC to the 10th Power!

I am my Sisters’ Keeper

And do you want to know why? It’s because it was, is,

and always will be my sister to have my back.

Because it was, is, and always will be

my sister to have my front.

From my needs to my wants...No question unanswered

No needs unmet...

And when things mean a lot, No, she’ll never forget

From my shoelace to appointments,

whether it be big or small...Little things mean a lot,

and she remembers them all!!!

That’s why I am my sisters’ keeper,

so don’t ever again ask why

And I’ll be my sisters’ keeper until the day that I die!

Min. Sabrina Martinez, Founder, CEO (Chief Empowerment Officer)
She Opens Her Mouth In Wisdom, And The Teaching Of Kindness
Is On Her Tongue" (Proverbs 31:26 ESV)!!



Have you always believed that you are destined for personal and professional greatness Your Majesty?  If you are not yet taking steps towards your greatness - what are you doing with your life Your Majesty?  My desire is that each and every one of us realize our uniqueness and begin to walk in our greatness!

Why are you living a mediocre life? Is it fear, confusion, procrastination, or all of the aforementioned???

"People are where they are because that is exactly where they really want to be - whether they will admit that or not.  "Earl Nightingale"

I say:  It's fear of the unkown! I say:  They are too comfortable settling!!! Just my personal opinion. Everybody has one.

Personal greatness is a choice beloved - You can choose to live the great life God has chosen for you, or you can choose to stay stagnated and mediocre... Never living the life that you were
destined to live according to God!! Again it's your choice beloved!!!

Know Your WORTH Beloved!!!!!

Minister Sabrina Martinez is the Founder & C.E.O. (Chief Empowerment Officer) of the
Phenomenal Women Empowerment Alliance. She is also a Certified Life Coach and the Director
of the Phenomenal Women Charm & Etiquette School for Boys & Girls, Ages 5-19.

The Alliance
 was developed several years ago, the first few meetings being held monthly in the living room of her home.  She decided, after frequently being approached by several women expressing their desires to explore other avenues of making a living, as well as, the emotional necessity of reinventing themselves to organize an Alliance.  
Many of these women opened major companies, home based businesses, started utilizing their talents and began the process of following, birthing and living their dreams.  Doing things that they loved.  Things that make them HAPPY and WHOLE!  These Phenomenal Women are all looking to grow emotionally, financially and spiritually. She developed a sisterhood!! They empower one another in all facets of their lives, with Sabrina being the Motivator of them all.

Sabrina Martinez, recipient of the 2018 Grandparents Around the World Award, 2018 GLAM HONOREE (GLORIFYING LADIES' ADVANCEMENT and MOTIVATION) and the 2018 "I AM EMPOWERMENT" AWARD, as well as, the Harlem Children Zone's 2015 "Community Pride Award" for contributing to the Community as a Phenomenal Woman; "Key to Harlem" recipient in 2013, as well as, the Teer Institutional Building Award in 2011; Congressman Charles Rangel's "Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition"... just to name a few, recognizing her for her commitment and love for empowering women and children in our Communities.  She is truly living her life's purpose!

After a successful career in the legal field, spanning over 30 years in major New York City law firms, she stepped out on faith, retiring at the age of 46 from "Corporate  America." Effective June 2, 2006, she officially (escaped) LEFT THE PLANTATION and began LIVING HER LIFE PURPOSE (FREEEEE)!  Always knowing that THIS was NOT her calling, career, walk or purpose she made a great living, and was blessed and grateful to be able to actually do so in the midst of preparing for purpose living! Inasmuch,  her DREAMS, DESIRES and GOALS have now been birthed.  For the last 12 years, she is solely and diligently living her purpose to edify WOMEN, as well as, CHILDREN!  God's purpose for her life was and IS evident in her works!   

Sabrina, a daughter, wife, mother, grand-mother, and loyal girlfriend, her empowering soul conveys, as well as, supports the necessity for women to love themselves, own their own businesses, OR to just do what THEY enjoy doing in their lives for themselves! Whatever it is that truly makes them HAPPY and WHOLE! Possibility is a very compelling and creative force for her. She is driven to help women discover and bring about their limitless possibilities. They are motivated to emerge to the heights they desire in all areas of their lives.

er Motto is: Do you, Boo! 

Creative people are not destined to sit in someone elses office for 8 hours a day for 30 years making their dreams come true.  Its just not "natural" for them.  They have to birth their OWN dreams.  While others find it easy and normal, this is just not their walk in life.  We all have "something" and it is important for us to know what that "something" is before we leave this earth.  Finding our purpose, and living it provides us with a happiness deep
within that let's us know that our life is worth LIVING!  Again, HER purpose is to
Motivate, Inspire and Empower Women and Children to be WHO THEY WERE INTENDED TO BE!

She assists and directs The Phenomenal Women Empowerment Alliance by providing the necessary tools that are essential for them to reach their goals individually and collectively.  She does this by demonstrating "LOVING YOURSELF TECHNIQUES " coupled with VALUABLE information for financial, emotional, physical, spiritual and independent growth and development!  


Integrity --the essence of our very existence, because honesty is still the best policy

Initiative -- the catalyst that propels us to go where there is no path and leave a trail

Imagination -- the strongest nation in the world that allows us to turn impossibilities into possibilities

Innovation -- the source of power that drives us to deliver cutting-edge valuable information and positive motivation

-- the framework of our Integration Alliance:  coming together, sharing together, working together, succeeding together

Invigoration  -- our passion for excellence enables us to energize others to stretch their horizons to infinity and

Impact  -- snowflakes are so very fragile but look at what a difference they make when they stick together!


You are a Phenomenal Woman!

Welcome to the Phenomenal Women Empowerment Alliance

We Empower, Encourage and Motivate Women to Succeed

In All areas of their lives! 

Our Deepest Fear

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."

~ Marianne Williamson - from "A Return To Love" ~

The Absent Are Safe Here:

"The Absent Are Safe Here." That means that NONE of us will speak unkindly about those not present. 

Are the absent safe around you? Or do you take advantage of their absence to say things about them that you wouldn't say in their presence? Do you allow others to speak ill of them in your presence? It is a wonderful thing for your friends and family members to know that they are safe even when they are absent because you will not take advantage of them. And it is wonderful for your co-workers and neighbors and your fellow Christians and those who don't know the Lord to know this much about you-that you will protect them even when they are absent, that you will guard their reputation and will not speak harshly or unkindly about them and that you will endeavor always to give them the benefit of the doubt as much as you can. That certainly means...

No cheap shots
No sharing of gossip
No repeating of rumors
No judging of motives
No sharing of details that should remain private
No trash talk
No insinuations
No angry invectives
No making yourself look good at the expense of others
No maximizing the sins of others
No adding aggravating details to make the absent look worse
No dismissing an unkind remark by saying, "I was only joking."
Are the absent safe around you?

Dr. Ray Pritchard.  Author, Speaker, President of Keep Believing Ministries

It is only the weak and the fearful who want to hide their knowledge. The rest of us benefit from sharing what we know. Shared knowledge creates growth. And growth creates opportunity.  Our learning compliments our EARNING!  Knowledge is POWER!  Phenomenal Women are POWERFUL!

We do this by:

 Completing each other, Not Competing with each other!

We are Not our Sisters' Keepers * We Are our Sisters!!!


There will be times when the dry winds of
doubt and fear blow discouragement and defeat your way;
causing the burning fire in your belly - self motivation - to flicker
and making it difficult for You to see your way.


We Will Be There For You!

Sharing valuable information You need to know and
positive motivation You need to grow!


Our motto is; "Do You".  In order to "Do" for anyone else
 you must first ensure that you are healthy in Mind, Body & Spirit.

You start "Doing You" by truly learning to Love Yourself.

You cannot love another until you can Love Yourself!  You are told when flying to put your MASK ON FIRST!!!  This goes for LIFE as well!!  You must be a healthy, breathing, happy, healed, loving yourself person first Beloved!


Loving yourself is believing in yourself.

You are a Valuable Living Person...


Able to Give Love, and Worthy of Receiving Love!

In all the history of the world, there was never anyone else
exactly like You, and in all the time to come, there will never be another.


If You Require Happiness In Your Life, You Will Acquire Happiness!


The Phenomenal Women Empowerment Alliance believes that
YOU have everything YOU need within YOU to experience
successes in your life that YOU may have never dreamed possible before.



Somewhere along the line most women learn to put the needs of others before their own.  In many ways this ability is one of our greatest feminine talents; nurturing is a trait that validates us as women and this quality of our nature should surely be treasured and celebrated.

But, why is it that so many of us feel guilty when it comes to nurturing ourselves?   We feel selfish.  We believe that we're stealing time away from those that need us!  YET the truth is, you need to nurture and LOVE yourself before you can successfully NURTURE and LOVE OTHERS!

This may sound self-indulgent, but its not!  By taking care of your own needs you are recognizing and affirming that your own emotional, physical and mental health is just as important as that of others.

The truth is that, at least some of the time, you have to put yourself and your own needs first.  If you love and care for yourself, you're far better equipped to love and care for those that need you.  SO REMEMBER to DO YOU, BOO!!!!!


Remember, the first two letters
for the word GOAL are "GO"
Goal setting is important but more
importantly is goal doing!
Well done is better than well said
because actions speak louder than words.
Do the things you NEED to do now
so you can do the things you WANT to do later!

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Virtuous - Righteous Women - ALL on One Accord!



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